Inflammatory lesions are more likely to cause scarring to the skin.

Risk factors for developing acne include hormonal changes, certain medications, a diet high in refined sugars or carbohydrates, and having a parent who had acne. Self-care, topical creams, medication as well as in-clinic procedures can help treat acne as well as prevent scarring.

  • Blackheads

    Pimple open at the skin surface.

  • Whiteheads

    Pimple closed just under the skin surface.

  • Papules

    Small, red bumps caused by inflamed or infected hair follicles.

  • Pustules

    Small red pimples with pus at their tips.

  • Nodules

    Solid and often painful lumps beneath the skin surface.

  • Cysts

    Large lumps beneath the skin that contain pus and are painful.

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